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End of 2022 Insights

Awesome to be re-elected - Thank you!

It has been an amazing experience to be re-elected for a second term!

It takes a full term to learn the job and I'm feeling confident to hit the ground running and take the initiative head on in many situations. All support is so appreciated!


Refresh of the WRC Strategy

We have a new Council and are refreshing the WRC Strategy to bring it up to date and reflect our new mix of voices. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this will land early next year. Feedback is very welcome.


Refresh of the WRC Committee Structure

We have a similar structure to last triennium as per WRC website.

I have the following memberships/appointments to represent you at:

  • Risk & Assurance Committee

  • Waikato Plan Leadership Committee

  • Strategy & Policy Committee and it's Submissions Subcommittee

  • Waikato Raupatu River Trust & WRC Co-Governance Committee

  • Wharekawa Coast 2120 Joint Working Party

  • Alternate member for WRC on the Hauraki Gulf Forum

  • Climate Action, which I'll chair with Cr Tipa Mahuta as deputy


Climate Action Continues...

I'm very grateful to my colleagues (new and returning) for unanimous support to trust me with the role of chairperson of the Climate Action Committee again, and this time Cr Tipa Mahuta is our deputy chair.

We have already recently met up with key staff to give direction and I'll be spending the first few weeks in January setting clear goals to work towards. Focus is key to getting outcomes.

In the meantime, other good progress is happening out there, things like:

I'm also doubling down on my efforts to get Councillors from across the region and nationwide talking to each other on this topic to gain more efficiency and effectiveness of approaches and provide general support. Most hui are online but an in-person one is planned for February 2023!


Connecting hands-on with the Waikato River

Being one of the manu taki on the Waikato Wellbeing Project I was invited to a waka trip on the Waikato River in early December. Great day with awesome people enjoying nature.


Policy Signals Newsletter

WRC creates and distributes a regular newsletter of various happenings in the Policy space. It's an undervalued resource so read & sign up!


Local discussions on the Future for Local Government are happening in early February 2023

A Hamilton community group is organizing Panel discussions which include well-known local researchers and experts in order to promote community involvement and discussion on the Future for Local Government review that is underway. Dates will likely be 2nd, 7th and 8th of February and more details will be shared via social media.


Aotearoa Bike Challenge is on in February 2023

Have you registered for the Aotearoa Bike Challenge yet? I have.

It’s New Zealand’s biggest bike event and it runs through the whole of February. Regular riders and new riders alike are invited to join in.


Sustainable Development Summit - February 2023

The 4th Annual Aotearoa Sustainable Development Summit is happening on 9-10th February in Hamilton and I plan to attend most of it.


Happy Holidays

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

I'll be celebrating on Christmas eve 'german style' and spending many days exploring nature close to home with family and friends, and the garden is going to get lots of attention.

Best wishes,


If you enjoyed this update, please subscribe through my contact page :)


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© 2022 Authorised by J Nickel, Waikato.

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